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This category specially caters to those who want the most "unusual" and the tastiest of meats. Why not be adventurous once and try what other choosy eaters have been enjoying?
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41. Brisket, Flank, Tendon, and Fatty and Crunchy Flank Pho - Pho Chin, Nam, Gau, Gan, Ve Don


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38. Steak, Flank, Tendon, Tripe, and Fatty Flank Pho - Pho Tai, Nam, Gau, Gan, Sach

38. Steak, Flank, Tendon, Tripe, and Fatty Flank Pho - Pho Tai, Nam, Gau, Gan, Sach


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39. Steak, Flank, Tendon, and Tripe Pho - Pho Tai, Nam, Gan, Sach

39. Steak, Flank, Tendon, and Tripe Pho - Pho Tai, Nam, Gan, Sach


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40. Brisket, Flank, Tendon, Tripe, and Fatty Flank Pho - Pho Chin, Nam, Gau, Gan, Sach

40. Brisket, Flank, Tendon, Tripe, and Fatty Flank Pho - Pho Chin, Nam, Gau, Gan, Sach

