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If this is your first time enjoying pho or if you simply prefer tender-cut beef, this is the right choice. The steak or brisket will be slightly cooked by the boiling broth to the perfect medium by the time order reaches your table.
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30. Brisket Pho - Pho Chin Nac


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00. Pho without Meat - Pho Khong Thit

00. Pho without Meat - Pho Khong Thit


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26. Steak Pho - Pho Tai

26. Steak Pho - Pho Tai


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27. Steak and Brisket Pho - Pho Tai, Chin Nac

27. Steak and Brisket Pho - Pho Tai, Chin Nac


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28. Steak and Meatball Pho - Pho Tai, Bo Vien

28. Steak and Meatball Pho - Pho Tai, Bo Vien


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29. Meatball Pho - Pho Bo Vien

29. Meatball Pho - Pho Bo Vien


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31. Brisket and Meatball Pho - Pho Chin, Bo Vien

31. Brisket and Meatball Pho - Pho Chin, Bo Vien

